Hey everyone,
I hope everyone has had a good week. I will be working on an FX primer over the weekend for paid subscribers. I already wrote primers on the bond market and the S&P500 which can be found here: Link and here: Link
When it really comes down to it, half of trading or operating in any domain is usually 80% learning and 20% execution. As you develop more of a knowledge base, you are able to make higher and higher-level decisions. Specific knowledge is functionally the same as capital because it can function as a foundation to leverage your decisions.
This is why I like dedicating time to educational primers because they are more valuable than a single macro report I might write.
On this topic of thinking and learning, I wanted to provide several things that have been on my mind recently:
The world doesn’t view the categories we create: For example, the world doesn’t operate as if there is a difference between physics and chemistry. It doesn't need to “switch categories” in order to operate. In reality things are incredibly intertwined, chaotic and complex. When I think about learning, I don’t always like trying to cut everything up into neat pieces because the world doesn't work that way. I like studying multiple subjects or reading multiple books at the same time because I will see connections others won’t see.
Learning about specific subjects while also reading about the history and people of those subjects connects ideas to stories: When I was studying the oil and gas industry, I spent a bit of time just reading about the history and people who started it. I read a couple of biographies, several historical overviews and some more technical reports. When you read across these different genres, you can really begin to connect technical ideas to people’s stories. Changes in technology dramatically change specific individuals’ lives. John Rockefeller will always be known for Standard Oil. JP Morgan will always be known for bailing out the US government. Elon Musk will always be known for electric vehicles. People are part of history. On top of that, nothing is more inspirational than reading about the story of someone else's life.
The final point I would make is about HOW creativity happens. Creativity is when 2 or more variables are put in perfect relationship and perfect tension during a specific point of time. However, creativity isn't something you can necessarily force, you can only create the preconditions and environment for it. When I think about coming up with ideas to monetize, I can’t force myself to come up with ideas. Instead, I try to do everything possible that potentiates creativity in my mind. This goes back to environment being really important for thinking, learning, and success.
Each of these things are very intuitive for me now but I like taking the time to intentionally voice them because we are all at different places on our learning journey. The market is 100% about learning and adapting but too often the flashing lights on the screen or social media distract us from creating the preconditions for creativity in our life.
Keep learning!
Thanks for reading!
In the information age, you simply need to be at the right place, at the right time, with the right information to succeed
I thought I was the only person who read multiple books at once. I can’t wait for the FX primer !
Well said! Enjoy your weekend!