Much appreciate your time, effort and willingness to share with a simple fellow traveler making his way on this planet, what an amazing life we have on a spinning ball hurtling through an infinite cosmos. I wish you a full life!

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awesome post! thank you. and thanks for the pdf share!

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Love it! Brings me great joy to read your posts. You inspire me to become greater!

One feature I prioritize is harmonizing information. If two sets of data can be simplified, do it. If they can't, understand why. The more you can interconnect things, the more you can simplify.

Also, my favorite three sentences from this:

"People who can communicate information effectively in these scenarios are functionally the same as people who arbitrage different financial markets." ...

"Be a broker of information, questions, and thinking." ...

"in the information age, you simply need to be at the right place at the right time with the right piece of information to succeed."

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Thanks for sharing. Incredible advice thus far and only about ten bullets in.

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Big yes! from me on those last two potential ideas: podcasts and running an active portfolio, like some Notes brainstorming on what would be the best portfolio in this current environment, for instance.

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