Sitemap - 2024 - Capital Flows

Trades: Summary / End of Week

Trades: Opening

Trades: Update moving into PCE

Trade: Opening

Trade: Opening

Equity RED Day

ES Levels: Intraday mean reversion

Zooming Out: Macro Systemic Risks

Alpha Report: ES Trade, Interest Rates, and Positioning Unwind

The Research Hub: Mean Reversion and Model Risk

Macro Podcast: How to generate exceptional returns

Trade: BTC, Gold, and Bonds

Trade: Closing ES Long

Equity / ES Update: Positioning Unwind

Macro Podcast: Bitcoin, Bonds, and Educational Resources

Trades: Bitcoin and Bonds

Macro Inflection Points: Momentum Turning Points

Trades: CPI and PPI Update

Macro Podcast: Rates, Recession, and Risk Assets

Interest Rate Report: Duration, TLT, and the macro cycle

Trade: Bitcoin Long

Trades/Week Ahead: Inflation and Rates

Macro Trade Update: ES, Rates, and NFP

Macro Report/Insights: ES levels and macro flows

Trades: New Idea

Trades: Opening / Updates

Critical Signal: Rates and Equities

Alpha Report: Rates, Equities, Catalysts

The Gilded Age: Jay Gould

Comprehensive Macro Report

Loeb Classics: Cicero

Week Ahead and Macro Views Video

End of Week Podcast: Breakdown of rates and equities

Where is the bear market?

Trade: Update

Equity Report: Where is the S&P500 going?

Trade: Opening

Trade: Opening

Week Ahead: Set For GDP and ES Trade

Interest Rate Report: Strategy and Trades

Trade: Opening

The Research HUB: Inflation and the Fed

Week Ahead: CPI and FOMC

Trades: Global Macro and FX

The Research HUB: Risk Management And The Mental Game

Interest Rates, Equities, Recession?

The Big Picture For Equities and Rates

Week Ahead: Equities, Rates, and NFP

Macro Podcast: Interest Rate View, GDP and Agents In Markets

Trades: Long ES

Asset Class Report: Equities

Trades: Updates

The Curve

Trades/Week Ahead: Rates, GDP and Inflation Print

Interest Rate Report: Strategy and Trades

Macro Insights/Report: The Forward Curve

Interest Rates Primer

Macro Views on Equities and Rates

Macro: How CPI is reverberating across flows and positioning

Trades: Top

Macro Charts Edition: 30,000 foot view

Macro Liquidity: BTC, Meme Stonks, and short squeezes

Week Ahead, Alpha Trades, and Macro Report

Reading, Research and Being Exceptional

Comprehensive Macro Report

Week Ahead: Macro Vol and Economic Tensions

Macro Video: FOMC, Interest Rates, and Equities

Trades: Update

Macro Volatility: A generation will be left behind

Brainstorms: Wrong Focus and Proper Creativity

Trades: Alpha Report

Brainstorms: Creativity and Complexity

Macro Insights/Report: Flows, GDP, PCE and Trades

Bitcoin Strategy: The Macro Liquidity Release Valve

Macro Video Breakdown: Stocks, Bitcoin, Interest Rates and Volatility

Asset Class Report: Bonds

Trade: Updates

Week Ahead: Risk Premias and Alpha Generation

Macro Insights/Report: The UK and GBP

Housekeeping/How I think about markets

Trades: Open

The Research Hub: "Technical Levels"

Macro Report/Insights: Equities and Steepeners

Week Ahead: Trades, Geopolitical Risk, Alpha

Interest Rate Report: Volatility!

Brainstorms: Genius

Trades: Updates

Macro Report/Insights: Semi's positioning

Trades: Updates

Trades: Alpha Report and Week Ahead

Brainstorms: Be careful what you know

The Research HUB: The UK and GBP

Macro Insights/Report: Market Volatility

Brainstorms: When do we enter "the end game"

Macro Webinar: Macro Views, Market Flows and Q&A

Asset Class Report: Bonds and FX

Trades: Updates

Brainstorms: Telephone, Macro Webinar

Trades: Alpha Report, Week Ahead, Macro Convo

Trades: Alpha Report

Macro Report/Insights: Lots of $ in the system

Comprehensive Macro Report

Brainstorms: What is unseen

Trades: Updates

Macro Video: Post FOMC Thoughts and Macro Principles

Trade Updates / 1 Year Of Capital Flows Complete

Inflation Playbook

Trades: Opening Alpha Trades

Macro Report/Insights: Semi's positioning

Trades: Alpha Report and Week Ahead

Trades: Bonds

Trades: FX

Trades: Alpha Report

How Much Cash Is Really On the Sidelines?

Trades: Commodities

Trades: Week Ahead and Alpha Trades

Macro Alpha Webinar With Prometheus Research

Brainstorms: Returns and Volatility

Brainstorms: Options and Vol Compression

Asset Class Report: Bonds, Equities, Quant Signals

Podcast With Paper Alfa

The Research Hub: Intraday Liquidity Provision

The Research HUB: FX

Trades: Factor Flows, Macro, Week Ahead

There is NO Debt Problem

The Research HUB: Inflection Points

Macro Report/Insights: PCE, Bonds and Equity Views

The Research HUB: Carry

Macro Report/Insights: Inflation Trades

The Research HUB: Regime Alignment

Asset Class Report: Credit

Brainstorms: The Path

Video Breakdown: Trading Lessons, Macro Views and a Spicy Take

Brainstorms: Macro View, Lessons Learned, Focus

Bond View Update!

The Research HUB: How to use ChatGPT for economic data

Asset Class Report: Bonds / Equities / Trade Ideas

Brainstorms: The silent professional

Macro Report/Insights: Nominal Cash Flows

Trade: Post CPI

Macro Webinar #3: Recording

Week Ahead: CPI And Trades For The Week

Brainstorms: Risk Taking, Innovation, and Expectations

Macro Webinar #3

Trade: Update

Trade: Open

Brainstorms: Identifying Edge

Macro Insights/Report: CPI Set Up

Comprehensive Macro Report: Capital Flows

Trades: Update

Trades: Update

Trades: Updates/New position

Asset Class Report: Bonds and Inflation

Country Primer: India

Macro Insights/Report: Long Bonds Update

Brainstorms: A Personal Story

Macro Insights/Report: Macro tensions people are missing

Country Primer: Argentina

Country Primer: Brazil

Trades: Putting Up Risk / Catalysts This Week

Quantitive Signals: Stocks, Bonds and FX

Macro Insights/Report: The next move for equities

Trade: Update

Week Ahead: Goldilocks Reversal

Big Announcement! Equity Alpha!

Macro Report/Insights: Rate Cuts/Speed

Macro Report/Insights: Video Charts Update

Trade: Update

Macro Report/Insights: What is the probability of a recession?

Trade: Update

Trade: Update

Asset Class Report: Bonds

Brainstorms: How to take macro bets in life

Trade: New Position

Macro Report/Insights: Yield Curve

Trade: New Position

Trade: Update

Macro Webinar #2: Recording

Comprehensive Macro Report: Structural Support and Cyclical Trends

Trade: Update

Macro Report/Insights: Cross Asset Volatility

Trade: Update

The Research HUB: Be an exceptional contingency planner

Week Ahead: Labor Market Data, ISMs, FOMC Minutes